Coconut Oil, Carob, Hempseeds, Spirulina, Moringa; if you’ve been looking into eating healthier, you’ve probably heard of these powerful plant sources for nutrients to take your diet that “super” place that health enthusiasts are always talking about, where superfoods become normal foods, part of the everyday lifestyle of those seeking a better overall state of being in body, mind, and soul. An easy question to ask is, why are superfoods being talked about so much, why isn’t the standard list of common household food products enough? The answer can be found in the question when you think about why and how the food eaten in the modern diet is treated, from start to finish, as a “product”.

The modern diet in the first world is largely made up of food products produced in mass, as quickly as possible, as cheaply as possible, and with as favorable a flavor as possible as to make them desirable by the general public. The food products must have a long shelf life for storage and shipping purposes, must be made as quickly as possible with as few ingredients as possible to keep profit margins up and costs down, and must maintain some level of taste for the masses.
Imagine making a meal for 6 people, then imagine trying to make that same meal for 10,000 people, or 500,000 people. A massive amount of additives and chemicals would be considered necessary by a mindset focused on keeping profits up more than nutritional value. Throw in the widespread use of fertilizers and other chemicals that degrade soil over time, and you have a situation where it would be impossible to come up with a meal with the same nutritional values as one that came from an organic backyard garden or community garden.

Now, health enthusiasts are looking to “superfoods” to replace what has been lost over time to the engine of mass production: essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that healthy soil and organic chemical free plants can provide for an optimal level of performance from a well nurtured body and mind.