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Category: Blog

Nov 27
From Raver to Transformation

The mainstream festival industry has curated an event culture that can live up to the over stimulation the average human is used to being exposed to in their daily lives.

Jun 12
A Call to Pioneers

Five years ago, I heeded a call to come help the Rainbow Crystal Land (RCL) in Costa Rica, which at that time was just beginning. I was fortunate to have caught an echo of all the creations that were ensuing on this land back then

Feb 13
Botana Purifies CBD

At Botana, we put a lot of attention on working with the soil, from companion planting, cover crops, natural mulching, and applying compost teas to feed the microbes in the living food web

Jan 03
The Age of Aquarius

Since around 2012 and beyond, many people have believed that we have entered The Age of Aquarius. What does that mean for humanity?

Nov 19
Shake it out! Moving & Minimizing

Plant powered movement enthusiast Grant Big Love on the power of movement

Aug 06
Is Sacred Geometry Going Mainstream?

Hidden among billions of internet searches is a growing movement to bring what is commonly known as sacred geometry back into mainstream consciousness.