A photograph isn’t just 1000 words, not even close. A photograph can be a mind blowing experience, a tool to take the mind to a place its never been before or never seen before, to a time long passed or to a place never thought possible. It can pave the way to new ideas, new passions, and new insights into how we see the world, or how we thought we saw the world. A photograph can be a gateway to dream, a promise, or even a regret, to put a poetic spin on it. Seeing an image of a place we have longed to return to or a place we have never been can set the mind racing, can set new intentions spinning and new paths and new life choices into a whole new direction.
What a photograph also represents is a moment in the journey of the photographer. If it’s a great photograph, it can capture the emotion behind the moment, provide a window into the journey and brief time before the photo was taken, and even a glimpse into the future after the image was captured. Intentional or not, a great photograph of an amazing destination, an incredible sunset, or some remote waterfall it took three days to get to, can give you a peek into the journey of the photographer, of some of the best and most amazing moments of their journeys through dream like landscapes or historical moments.
A photographer sharing a photo is a traveler sharing a part of their journey, a wanderer sharing a discovery, hoping to inspire new ideas, or maybe just to reignite something all of us have had at some point in our lives: the urge to explore.