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Category: Blog

Jan 26
Time banking: the Future of Community Economics?

We all know about the idea of “strength in numbers”, and how people working together can achieve incredible results.  In the mainstream individualistic society, this idea is rarely discussed in terms of financial strength: we’re taught to go to school, work hard, save, spend wisely, and maybe invest our money.  What if we were taught […]

Dec 28
The Ancient Mysterious History of the Swastika

There are few symbols in history that bring out as much emotion as the swastika. Forever tied to one of the darkest times in human history the swastika for many stands as a symbol of hate.

Sep 17
5 Reasons Why Moringa is the Miracle Tree

We all know superfoods are big business, with countless herbs, flowers, fruits, and trees from around the world celebrated as the anti-aging, life changing next big thing. Well, there’s a reason for this: plants have been used for their medicinal and wellness properties since…forever. Moringa is one of these powerful plants, with records in Ayurvedic […]

  • Blog
Nov 27
From Raver to Transformation

The mainstream festival industry has curated an event culture that can live up to the over stimulation the average human is used to being exposed to in their daily lives.

Jun 12
A Call to Pioneers

Five years ago, I heeded a call to come help the Rainbow Crystal Land (RCL) in Costa Rica, which at that time was just beginning. I was fortunate to have caught an echo of all the creations that were ensuing on this land back then

Feb 13
Botana Purifies CBD

At Botana, we put a lot of attention on working with the soil, from companion planting, cover crops, natural mulching, and applying compost teas to feed the microbes in the living food web