What present doorways will still be around a thousand years from now?
One of the fascinations with ancient monuments and structures that still stand in the present is based on the idea that time, in a sense, is fluid, always changing, and always moving, while the ancient structures, such as pyramids, temples, and walls, appear to remain relatively unchanged, and that they will most likely be here long after those of us living now have passed on. The idea that a message and meaning can transported through time using intention and stone is one of the central motivations behind the construction of some of the most famous and cherished structures in the world. An interesting question comes to mind though: what doorways were opened with the construction of these ancient monuments that humanity has been traveling through for the last few thousand years?

The fast changing world, and accelerating change in climate, when considered together with thousand year old structures and the belief systems of their architects regarding the cycles of time and the natural world, lead to very powerful confrontations with the possibility that ancient architects and builders were building doorways to a future period of time specifically for those who would be living during the time when structures that could withstand three thousand years of history would be needed most; during a period of intensifying drought, floods, volcanic activity, and cultural upheavals and revolutions, the messages and meanings encoded in solid rock would stand the test of these times.