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Oct 03
A Journey between Worlds

The way fungi have traveled through many climates over epic amounts of time make them the best travelers in the universe.

Oct 03
Growing with a Garden

The body, like a garden, has many different changes, on many different levels and cycles, happening at the same time...

Sep 30
The Beauty in the Vastness of the Ocean

How such beauty can be seen in such mystery and vastness, while we dance and play on its edges and feel such love, or wrath, in its waves.

Sep 25
A Journey Inward, Together

Real de Catorce, Mexico - Every step taken forward can be another step taken inward...

Jun 09
Traveling by Cycling

The Oregon coast by sunset is like taking in a view of forever; what you see looks like it has always been, and its beauty is as eternal as the soul.

Jun 08
The Village Building Convergence

Portland, Oregon - Village Building Convergence Classroom - Class of 2012 - Learning to Build the New Future...