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A Journey Inward, Together

Real de Catorce, Mexico – Every step taken forward can be another step taken inward…

One day, while walking in the wide open spaces of the mountain deserts near Real de Catorce, Mexico, I found myself searching for something outside myself to focus my thoughts on, only to find myself tuning in and going inward with my own thoughts; thoughts of the present moment, of the people I was with, and whatever expectations I was carrying for what could happen as we followed our guide and newfound friend.  There’s something very mystical about walking silently with others who are also going inward on their own journeys in their own minds.  Each of us were connected in a way that silent reflection connects and unites minds in one long moment.  Maybe we were riding that wave of energy and anticipation one feels before a psychedelic journey, maybe it was the culmination of the previous month of the adventures a group can endure while traveling together without taking the time to go inward, or maybe it was the noise in the silence of everything yet to be said and felt.  I’m sure now, thinking back, it was all three, and more.



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