How such beauty can be seen in such mystery and vastness, and that we can dance and play on its edges and feel its love, or its wrath, in the waves.
One of the most profound experiences any of us can have is a true period of reflection while standing on a beach looking out into the ocean. It represents so many things on so many levels, blending into the horizon like an unseen destination or the mystery of the inner workings of the mind. The vastness of the ocean, and how little we know of it, is a mirror for our own desires, our dreams, and how little we truly understand the root of them. We are often reminded of the ocean as the source of the earliest life forms, of its depths as the last frontier to be explored, and of its beauty, where every hue and color can be seen from above and below its surface.
In the vastness of its beauty, are we losing sight of what it truly means to dream or to explore, or have we simply stopped looking?