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Starting to Build Muscle without Steroids

Ordinary guys can achieve their natural muscle growth potential but not by using the same strategies genetic freaks and steroid users can get away with
Build Muscle without Steroids

(PRWEB) Failure building muscle after trying one weight gaining course after another? If you’re frustrated and willing to take the health and legal risks of steroid use, you’re not alone, and there’s a huge steroid industry to prove it. There are other ways to get in shape, and look like you know you’re way around a gym.

According to James Jordan author of “Underground Bodybuilding Secrets To Shock Your Body Into Explosive Growth Spurts” , ordinary guys can achieve their natural muscle growth potential but not by using the same strategies genetic freaks and steroid users can get away with.

“For five years straight I struggled to lift heavier weight and pack on big muscles but made no progress trying every fad workout plan, diet, and supplement I could get my hands on. I became infuriated blaming my genetics and losing hope.”

James ditched the conventional methods not working and looked elsewhere for answers. He researched non-profit organizations who had no products to sell, and whose tests and studies were conducted by extremely credible doctors and scientists. He discovered some subtle yet critical keys that when tested had astonishing results. James gained 55 pounds in 98 days with blood profiles confirming improved health.

“Certification as a personal trainer gave me the opportunity to test and optimize the system on many different body types. Word of mouth from successful clients created a demand for my personal training business I couldn’t handle so I wrote “Underground Bodybuilding Secrets To Shock Your Body Into Explosive Growth Spurts” which to date has now provided a healthy steroid alternative to over 20,347 ordinary guys.”

James offers the following tips from his Underground Mass Secrets course:

1. Eat a meal plan containing all essential components for building muscle. Jordan says increase protein from quality sources and eat nutrient dense whole foods. Add fats to increase calories and aid natural testosterone production.

2. Eat meals of complimenting food combinations for lean muscle growth. Jordan says certain food combinations allow the body to digest and utilize the nutrients in foods to their full extent.

3. Customize the length and volume of your weight training sessions to avoid overtraining. Do short high intensity weight training sessions completed within 12 – 35 minutes. 

4. Learn to effectively handle stress. Physical and mental stress has been shown to increase Cortisol levels that are responsible for breaking down muscle tissue.

5. Prioritize recuperation. Muscles don’t grow in the gym they grow when you are resting! Effective and consistent rest and recuperation between workouts is critical for building muscle.

Jordan explains, “Building muscle is a complicated process only realized when all pieces of the puzzle are present. Ordinary guys need some extra ammunition genetic freaks and steroid users can take for granted.”

