One of the most beautiful lakes in the world and the deepest in Central America
Surrounded by three volcanos and villages, Lago Atitlán has become a mini mecca for travelers searching for the beauty of nature, indigenous wisdom, and spiritual, physical, and mental healing. More than 50 dialects and languages or spoken around the lake, which is said to be a caldera, or supervolcano, filled with water from remnants of the last great flood.
The lake, the deepest in Central America, is about 50 sq miles in size, and over 1000 feet at its deepest point. Atitlan looks like an ocean when on a boat crossing to get to one of the many villages around it, each with its own distinct vibe and influence from the Maya who have lived on the continent for thousands of years.

A few of the villages have a top traveler destination, a place to find yoga retreats, amazing vegan restaurants and holistic healing centers. Many schools have also grown here, places of learning where classes vary from reiki, massage, and medicinal plants, to courses offered by The Fungi Academy, that are focused on teaching the power of fungi to heal ecosystems and treat illness.

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