Herbalist and founder of Atabey Choreto Medicinals Brandon Ruiz on the power of plants and how they will save the world:
One of the most powerful books I’ve ever read was “The Secret Life of Plants”, I was blown away by how much has actually been studied and revealed by the study of the plant world. What fascinates you most about plants?
Right? I love that book! I’m really fascinated by the intelligence that you can find in plants, whether it’s from seeing where and how they grow or their methods of survival. The fact that these plants have shown even scientifically the abilities to perceive threats, adapt to growing situations and have signs of intelligence in general is so cool to me. I’m also amazed at how many different varieties, colors, shapes, sizes they come in and how diverse they can all look!
Yeah it’s like a whole hidden world of consciousness and intelligence that’s literally surrounding us, it’s amazing! And then when you consider the idea that the plant world, the natural world, is where we came from… Allegedly haha. What have your experiences and studies of plants told you about humanity and our role in the big picture?
That learning more about them helps us learn more about ourselves, where we come from, who we are and the natural world around is! I feel like learning more about plants brings people full cycle with things.

So true, like the idea that if an edible plant resembles an organ in someway, it is likely to treat or be beneficial for that body part, like walnuts look like a brain. Its cool how they’ve found plants growing nearby will likely treat illnesses in people living nearby.
Yes! That’s called the Doctrine of Signatures, like how a walnut looks like a brain and can help feed the brain, ginkgo leaf looks the same too! Like the 2 sections of the brain. Or even how some plants can be really resilient in the way they grow, and can help the body adapt and be resilient as well! And yes! I recently wrote a bit on that, after finding abundant passionflower, a medicinal great for a stressed and strained nervous system and for more restorative sleep, growing by the light rail track in the busy city.
It’s really amazing how much we rely on plants and know so little about them as a society in modern times. What do you make of the seemingly drastic increases in natural disasters and the accelerating of habitat loss, other than the obvious I mean, where if there is, the tipping point for plants to really return to the consciousness of modern society. Is there a place for plant consciousness in modern society?? Yeah I was thinking about the passion fruit example I saw in one of your posts on IG
I think it’s inevitable and that they’ll stay in our consciousness, because they’re a part of our lives no matter what we eat, if we use herbs or what, plants play a key role in basically everything, from clothing to food to energy, it’s just a matter of us being aware that they exist and play important roles and that they do more than just those things. And I think it’s already in our consciousness today prominently, just tuned into the current situation. Like land remediation with plants, cultivating endangered species, reforesting efforts, and much more. I think they are lots of resources and people with plants in their primary thought processes about the world and how it can be impacted and changed for the better, which is what is needed now more than ever.
It’s great how the plant medicines you offer in your etsy store seem like they are aimed at people with busy lives who would need a nice dose of plant power in their lives, the titles are reminders of the roles they can play if we are open to it and aware of them. There’s the macro level awareness of land remediation and the micro of immune system building, and blood cleansing. The earth body and the human body.

Definitely! There’s only a small amount of people who I think aren’t affected by modern society and the constant rushing around, and I want my medicine to be able to directly work on the main problems we seem to face, like my 5 main tonics: Blood cleanser to cleanse all the pollutants out, Nervine (for stress, overworking and sleep), Bitters (for digestion), energy, since so many seem to be low on that, and immunity, since many people have low functioning immunity
How long have you been connecting with plant medicines?
I’ve been studying and working with plants for almost 4 years now, at first it was all home studies and experimental but then I got official and documented education at the Blue Ridge School of Herbal Medicine this year, which I feel like balanced my knowledge out. I’ve done some travel to learn the plants of Costa Rica earlier this year as well, which I think definitely has influenced my future path of learning.

And the environmental factors at work, it’s a growing problem that diving into plants as solution can really solve, especially when it comes to immunity and digestion. Actually, plants are THE solution…
They are! Even pharmaceuticals are derived from plants. Plants know what’s going on!
And speaking of solutions to growing environmental imbalances, yeah Costa Rica is a Mecca for getting people reconnected with the plant world, I’ve spent time there on a few travel adventures, it really shows you a glimpse of how things used to be, and how things should be going forward. And then there’s the world of fungi…Should the convo go psychedelic haha.
Haha it can! I really tend to lean towards non-psychedelic mushrooms though, as they have a better chance of getting through to new people learning about their medicine. A lot of times talking about medicinal mushrooms makes someone think psychedelic but they have even more medicinal properties than that! Psychedelic fungi is just more mental and spiritual medicine
Very true, I actually completed an intro to fungi course at the fungi academy in Guatemala, it was amazing, it’s unbelievable what they can do besides send you a boundary dissolving journey.
I haven’t been to the fungi academy but know many people there and hear only good things! Mushrooms are powerful on every level!
I’m sure your finding just as I have the plant world is also has treatments for the various mental “situations” that arise from living in this modern age
Oh definitely, even companionship with plants as beings can help, without even taking the herbs!
Yes! There have been studies showing just being in the presence of plants is a healing experience. Yeah its unreal what they can do, which hints at what has yet to be discovered, about the role plant medicines will play in this great shift we are in.
So how do you think people will start using more holistic plant medicines and remedies, and then start growing more plant medicines themselves?
Definitely, plant medicine and mushrooms are the ultimate remedy for the disconnect, the sickness of ourselves and the planet, for everything!
Yes, really in the most literal way possible. Like instead of the latest model of whatever people will start lining up and camping out for a powerful mind plant tincture haha. Then we’ll burst into song and love each other and transform prison space into yoga full moon ceremony retreats haha.
Hahaha Boom big transformation! Plants are so powerful in that way, I think people need to see that they benefit more than for a cough or stomachaches
Very true… Is there a video or book or website you’d like to link to for people interested in learning more??
Definitely! There are a lot of books like the herbal medicine makers handbook by James green or herbal medicine from the heart of the earth by dr. Sharon Marie Tilgner, the northeast school of botanical medicine as well at www.7song.com has a lot of resources, and 7song is an amazing teacher. Also www.swsbm.com, the southwest school of botanical medicine, with lots of info from the late Michael Moore!